Tag Archives: Taxes

Tax Reform and Real Estate

If you’re paying any attention at all, you know that tax reform is one of countless issues being discussed in Washington DC right now. Whether you like what the House and Senate are proposing, or whether you don’t, the fact is that what’s on the table as “reform” has some serious deficiencies, and will be vigorously debated in the next several weeks. Read More

New River Valley Real Estate Taxes

Taxes – if you own a home, you’ll always have real estate taxes to pay. And while real estate taxes in the New River Valley are relatively low compared to other areas of the country, no one likes to pay them. However, they’re a part of the equation when making your mortgage payment every month. These amounts will vary from locality to locality, and in some cases a municipality will have TWO rates – one rate will be for the City or Town, and the other rate will be for the appropriate County. Feel free to use the phone numbers below to contact the taxing authority if you have questions.* Read More

What is “Land Use”?

Lately, I’ve been working with a few buyers who have been looking for land; specifically, multi-acre parcels of land. Many of those properties have been zoned Agricultural, while others might have some sort of Residential zoning, but in a few cases, we’ve seen properties that have had the term “Land Use” attached to their record. So what is Land Use in Montgomery County? Read More

Real Estate Tax Rates in the New River Valley

Ah, taxes; and real estate taxes have certainly been a part of the discussion in Montgomery County lately (see here and here). If you’re going to own a home, however, they’re a part of the equation when making your mortgage payment every month.  These amounts will vary from locality to locality, and in some cases a municipality will have TWO rates – one rate will be for the City or Town, and the other rate will be for the appropriate County.  Feel free to use the phone numbers below to contact the taxing authority if you have questions.* Read More