A Reminder To Play Nice

To the person who emailed this weekend and blasted me – with such colorful language, mind you – How to control yourself

I asked you once to not cuss in your email, but since my reply must have bounced into your Junk folder and I know you’re reading this blog, let me remind you of this little notation on my About page:

… please refrain from using foul language in comments, or spamming us with ads for your service, and we’ll get along just fine.  I don’t care if you disagree with me – in fact in some ways I encourage it, it makes me a better agent to have to defend or reexamine how I look at something – just don’t do it in a way you wouldn’t want your Grandma to hear.

Am I a cheerleader?  I think there’s a lot to be positive about in the New River Valley, so if that makes me a cheerleader than give me some pom poms.  Am I blind to problems?  Not here. Or here.  And not even here.

If you want to have honest discussion, great, and we can even do it via email if you don’t want to post your thoughts on the blog.  If you want to embarrass yourself even further by sending me emails like you did this weekend, then I’d suggest changing the name on your email account so that people won’t know who you are when I repost your comments.  Your call.

4 thoughts on “A Reminder To Play Nice

  1. Jeremy Post author

    Pat thanks for this. But seriously – think of me with pom poms? Readership just dropped 50% thanks to that! 🙂

  2. Pat Kline

    The Crank Commenter must have read Wash Post last Sat. telling the public not to trust Realtors who are too upbeat since they want to sell a house to you. Since I can’t use bad language, let’s just say that to any reputable Realtor that’s “starts with a B and ends with IT”.

    I know Jeremy and I know he has his clients’ best interests at heart. Logically, how do you build a business if you rip people off? Would he ever get any repeat or referral business? Of course not.

    Whoever this person is – lighten up. Just think of Jeremy with pom poms and have a nice day!

  3. Pat Kline

    The Crank Commenter must have read Wash Post last Sat. telling the public not to trust Realtors who are too upbeat since they want to sell a house to you. Since I can’t use bad language, let’s just say that to any reputable Realtor that’s “starts with a B and ends with IT”.

    I know Jeremy and I know he has his clients’ best interests at heart. Logically, how do you build a business if you rip people off? Would he ever get any repeat or referral business? Of course not.

    Whoever this person is – lighten up. Just think of Jeremy with pom poms and have a nice day!

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