Am I Doing A Good Job Listening?

I wrote a post last year, on Agent Genius, entitled “So Many Questions I Forgot To Listen“.  In it, I talked about my experience working with an individual who, in my eyes, was faced with enormous obstacles, but my perceptions were clouded by my preconceptions.  I hope you’ll read it – it tells the very abbreviated story of one of the most courageous individuals I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.

A comment popped up on the post the other day that caused me to go back and revisit it, and in reading the post again I started thinking about whether I’m doing a better job at listening with my clients.  If you’ve ever worked with me as a buyer, you’ve likely heard me say “Now, we’re not going to have the House Hunters moment – ‘here’s the kitchen, isn’t it lovely?’”  “The kitchen?  Really?  Well duh, I didn’t make the connection that the stove and fridge meant I was in the kitchen, Jeremy – thank you!”  I tell clients that I want to listen to how they look at houses, at how they talk about houses, but I know that still I don’t always do a good job of that.

But I’m trying.

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