It’s Just His Hometown

Today’s post comes from the NRVLiving Real Estate Group’s very own Steve Ayers, a Blacksburg Townie and Food Afficionado of some  kind.  I’ve been bugging him for a year to bring us something here on the blog, and we’ve finally found a topic that’s near and dear to his stomach – err, heart.  Welcome, Steve!


South Main Street in Blacksburg … A covered canopy with rows of speakers that you pulled into to order treats. 

Ice Cream, Milkshakes, Fresh fries, Buddy Boys, with a side of Friends.

If you remember these, you remember Lendy’s.

Lendy’s was a great meeting place in Blacksburg, at least in the late fifties, sixties, and early seventies.

A classic American Drive-In restaurant. Push button call stations, wonderful curb service.

You sat in the comfort of your own car, talking to friends, listening to the radio, waiting for your order.

It might be a  double decker hamburger with cheese, lettuce, pickle and its own special tangy sauce, a Buddy Boy.  Before KFC UCB (OK …. spelled out … Kentucky Fried Chicken on University City Blvd.) ,

This was where you ordered real fried chicken from Colonel Harland Sanders, made from the secret herbs and spices.

Drinks? How about a thick adi-chocolate or strawberry milkshake or maybe even a Lime Freeze.

This meeting place, this delicious retreat, is part of the history, part of the fabric, of a small town called Blacksburg, VA.

The 1400 block of South Main was a family and friends destination for food, fun, and fellowship.

As a town we place great value on preserving what has made this community a wonderful place to live, learn and prosper.Steve Ayers

Everything from alley ways to the 16 downtown original blocks are being enhanced to make sure we do not lose the character of our ‘Burg.

Too bad some members of our current town council failed Blacksburg History in school, they might have prevented a Sonics lawsuit.

And my Mom could have ordered a Limeade without having to drive to Christiansburg. (She gets me a strawberry limeade … Thanks Mom)

It’s just my hometown. That’s all.

4 thoughts on “It’s Just His Hometown

  1. Kevin Cupp

    What a great post. I’ve lived here since 1987 (well, when I was born) and I can definitely imagine a Blacksburg in which you described. It would be amazing to get that back. I love looking at old books with old photos of Blacksburg and see how much the place has changed. I wish I could have experienced what it was like in the past.

  2. Kevin Cupp

    What a great post. I’ve lived here since 1987 (well, when I was born) and I can definitely imagine a Blacksburg in which you described. It would be amazing to get that back. I love looking at old books with old photos of Blacksburg and see how much the place has changed. I wish I could have experienced what it was like in the past.

  3. TC

    Thanks for this trip down Memory Lane, Steve. We had a Lendy’s in Radford as well, but they became a victim of the golden arches back in the 70’s – I think the Mongolian Grill now fills the space.

  4. TC

    Thanks for this trip down Memory Lane, Steve. We had a Lendy’s in Radford as well, but they became a victim of the golden arches back in the 70’s – I think the Mongolian Grill now fills the space.

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