Tag Archives: election

What Does A Trump Presidency Mean For Mortgage Rates?

dusty-computerTap tap tap. Is this thing on? It’s been a long time since I blogged with any regularity at all, but today seemed an appropriate day to dust things off and get back into the saddle. I was speaking to a group yesterday and was asked about the blog, where I was reminded that it had been far too long since I had done this blogging thing. So … let’s get back to this, shall we? Now’s as good a time as any. Read More

Christiansburg Town Council Candidate Forum

If you live in/work in/drive-in/drive-through/worship in Christiansburg, you’ve surely noticed the political signs that have sprouted everywhere. On May 4th, Christiansburg residents will hit the polls to vote for several races, including Council and Mayor. The League of Women Voters has posted videos of the Candidate Forum, held April 15th, on their website … sure wish they would let you embed them. Read More