Tag Archives: budget

What A Government Shutdown Means for Real Estate

All the talk, particularly this week, seems to be centered on whether or not the government is actually going to shutdown today as predicted.  Well, that’s not entirely true – if you look at the timeline on my Facebook and Twitter feeds, who got voted off of American Idol might be public topic #1, but the government shutdown is a close second. Read More

An Interesting Way To Determine Christiansburg’s Budget

Christiansburg is undertaking what is, in my opinion, an interesting way of determining how they'll allocate spending in the next budget cycle.

They're giving residents $100 hypothetical tax dollars to spend as they see most appropriate:

We are inviting the people who live, work and pay taxes in Christiansburg to participate in an exercise designed to understand their priorities for town spending. In the exercise, you are given $100 hypothetical “tax dollars” to allocate among the goals Christiansburg thinks are most important, so we can evaluate which services are of the highest value to our community. Read More