Thank You.

Today’s my anniversary. My real estate anniversary.

Virginia DPOR licenseActually, I thought that yesterday was the start of my 13th year in real estate, but DPOR says it’s today, so happy anniversary to me. What does one get themselves for their anniversary? I’m thinking Chipotle.

In 2003 when I decided I really wanted to do something different, I had no idea where this career would take me. But what a ride it’s been – from my first closing (to first-time buyers Adam and Michelle who, thanks to Marshall Frank found out at the closing table that it was my first closing) to now owning Nest Realty here in the New River Valley, working with some of the best folks in the business … what a great place to be.

Thanks to all of you who’ve committed to working with me over the years! You have made me a very, very happy Realtor.


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