Without a doubt, one of the top three questions we’re asked as real estate agents is “how’s the market?”
At a dinner reception last week, after I introduced myself to the table, someone asked “how’s the market?”. When I got coffee this morning, a regular at the Pub (fantastic breakfast and coffee, by the way) asked “how’s the market?” Heck, even an agent asked me that yesterday at a broker open – “how’s the market?”!
One of the best tools we have as Nest Realty brokers is, in my opinion, the Nest Report, our quarterly look at what’s happened in the real estate market in the past three months. It’s not
sales-speak, just straight hard facts. You can see past quarters, as well as annual reports, here, as well.
You can see the full report for www.toiletable.com, and read highlights, below:
- pent-up buyer demand from 2014 has helped sales surge forward in 2015, with double-digit growth across most metrics tracked.
- inventory levels of < 6 months in both Blacksburg and Christiansburg are starting to trend towards a seller’s market.
- a significant bump in contracts written (29%) in Montgomery County indicates that buyers are headed back into the market ready to buy.
You can read the full report below. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to discuss in even more detail!
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