Giles County’s Cascades Waterfall, Frozen

Cascades Giles CountyDuring the “polar vortex” we experienced earlier this week, I mentioned online that it would be a great time to go out to Giles County’s Cascades waterfall, as I expected the waterfall was likely pretty-well frozen. I’d gone out a few years ago to see it during a snowstorm and it was really cool, but I didn’t go this year … opportunity lost. There’s my photo of the falls, to the left.

Thankfully, someone DID go this week and take photos of the falls, and his photos make you feel like you were really there (minus the negative temperatures and snot-freezing spray coming off the falls).

Cascades_FrozenThanks to photographer Michael Speed for making the trek out to the falls to capture this, and for posting it on his blog. You can read the whole post here, and see other images he captured.

Next time, I’m not saying I wish I had the time to go out there. I’m going.

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