The Best Thing I Ever Did In Real Estate

When I first started in real estate, nearly 10 years ago now, an agent from Aramis Realty told me that one of the best things I could do for my career had nothing to do with sales, but with getting involved in our association. An association of Realtors – whether it’s the New River Valley Association, the Virginia Association, or even the National Association – is not run simply by staff somewhere, but by agents who take the time to give back and work on moving the industry forward. Sometimes we’re successful, and sometimes we’re not, but that agent was right – getting involved has been one of the best things I could have ever done, and it has nothing to do with dollars and cents. It’s given me an entirely different perspective on the issues facing our industry, whether they be at the local community level, or on a broader state and national level. Further, it’s connected me with incredible thinkers around the country, and it even led to me finding Nest Realty and getting involved with opening the office here in Blacksburg.

Having served, and currently serving, on both the local and state levels here in Virginia has been cool and incredibly rewarding, I was surprised and honored to learn this weekend that I’ve been nominated to serve at the national level now, as well, on the Data Strategies Committee. No idea how it happened, but nice to be considered. And even more exciting is the fact that four of us here at Nest Realty will be at NAR – Tina Merritt (Blacksburg, Social Media Advisory Board), Sarah Stelmok (Fredericksburg, Professional Development Committee), and Jim Duncan (Charlottesville, Data Strategies Committee) will be serving with me!

Proud to be associated with this company, and excited to give back in another new and exciting way. Just read now, this is going to be fun .

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