Can You Bike on the Sidewalks in Blacksburg?

I’m reminded that the students are back in town – welcome back to Blacksburg! – not just by all the traffic, which there is, but also by the number of bikes I’m seeing around. Fixed gears (crazy hipsters), road bikes, mountain bikes, all kinds of bikes … which is really cool. Blacksburg needs more people biking … and Virginia Tech is adding more bike racks.

Very cool.

While there are bike lanes on several streets in Blacksburg, there aren’t nearly enough (in my opinion). Don’t let that deter you, however; you can safely ride on sidewalks throughout Town, so long as you’re not on a downtown side (essentially one block on either side of Main Street, between Clay and Turner).  Want to read the whole code? You can. 

Or if you prefer a map …

Happy pedaling. And please, wear a helmet.

Photo credit.

2 thoughts on “Can You Bike on the Sidewalks in Blacksburg?

  1. Erikcbolsen

    And another reminder: sidewalks and driveways are considered intersections. Be sure to be aware of other traffic especially if you choose to ride on the sidewalk “against” traffic.

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