We Remember.

April 16, 2007 – a day when school safety became a topic of conversation borne out of unspeakable tragedy.  Ours is not a community of violence, but that day our community – and communities around the world – changed drastically.  And the families of 33 people, not to mention the families of untold survivors and their heroic first responders, changed forever.  Here in Blacksburg, April 16 2007 might not be a daily memory, but it is certainly something many of us think about regularly.

We don’t remember to relive the pain of that day, but to be sure we neVer forgeT.

We remember to ensure that we never forget the 32 people who needlessly lost their lives that day.

We remember the efforts of the heroes that day, including Liviu Librescu, who’s efforts saved lives that day, yet cost him his own.

We remember so that we never forget the pain and suffering that mental illness causes those who are afflicted.

We remember because each of us has a life worth living, with untapped potential and the ability to help others.

We remember so that we never forget just how intertwined our lives really are, and that each of us has a shoulder to lean on – no matter how difficult things seem to be.

We ARE Virginia Tech. And while the clarity of memories might one day fade, we’ll always remember.  Live for 32.  Live for each other.

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