Best of the New River Valley Series


The Burgs’ 7th Annual Best of the NRV is out – have you voted for your favorites throughout the New River Valley?

I’ve been fortunate enough to have been named as a finalist for this on several occasions – I even went so far as to participate in a series of videos highlighting the fact that on one occasion, I was the first loser (#2).  See?  And see?  There’s even an interview with a dog.  Weird.

In the past, I’ve been a little hesitant to ask for votes.  But you know what?  Forget that.  Vote.  Vote often.  Mike’s a great agent and he’s taught me a lot over the years that we worked together at Townside, but your time is up, Mike.  Let the little guy have a shot! 🙂

Voting is open until midnight on March 11th.  You can access the whole Best of the NRV survey here – but I’ve found that it’s easiest to start at item #54, click “Jeremy Hart of Nest Realty Group“, and then select Done.  I’m kidding … vote for your favorites throughout the list, there are plenty of great local businesses, locations and services to support!  And next year, I want to see Nest Realty Group listed under the Best Real Estate Company category – because we’re gonna be.

All kidding aside, thank you for giving me the opportunity to live and work in this community.  I absolutely love Blacksburg and the New River Valley, and I’m honored that someone somewhere thinks enough of my work to include me with such incredible agent as those listed in this year’s category.  Remember – Jeremy for #54!

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