A Recommendation Can Make A Difference

I’m stealing Dunkin Donuts’ “America runs on Dunkin'” slogan.  If I announce I’m stealing it, it’s not really stealing, right?  Twisted and changed so that it’s barely a shell of its former self, it’s a great phrase for this post – “Business (and life) runs on recommendations.

I was reminded today just how tricky it can be to run a business today, when it was announced that my favorite coffee shop in Blacksburg is shutting its doors:

You can read Russ’ full post on his Facebook page
.  What caught me was the phrase “community center“.  That’s exactly what a good coffee shop becomes; you have slivers of an entire community that gather – they gather to caffein-ate, to discuss, to contemplate, or to just get out and about – and a coffee shop brings them together in ways they wouldn’t expect.  Blacksburg will not be better for this.

Sixteen years is a long time to be in business, but it made me think “what could I have done to help?”  Could I have recommended the shop to more people?

One more recommendation doesn’t likely keep a coffee shop open, but it could mean the difference to a small business somewhere trying to turn a profit.  Or, maybe it means keeping the doors open on a non-profit that’s serving the community.  Perhaps it just lets someone know they’re being thought of.

Who are you recommending today?  Tomorrow?  Don’t leave it unsaid.

Well done, Russ.  I’m looking forward to my coffee detox.

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