I’m writing a bio, of sorts. I hate bios, of any sort. I don’t know what it is, I think it feels canned and insincere to write about yourself. And Jonathan Kauffman, owner of Nest Realty Group, keeps bugging me to complete it. I’ve only been with the company since April, I don’t know what the rush is!
Anyway, I want you to write about me. Write my bio – it’s not a big deal, it’s just going on the Nest Realty NRV web site, that’s all. It’s the first thing that people will see when they come to the site, and it’ll be written by you, but I figure I’ve been writing this blog long enough that you know a thing or two about me by now. The winning bio (75-125 words) gets a swank NRVLiving.com t-shirt. You can see examples of others here, but since you’re writing it mine’s gonna be so much awesomer. Yea, I just said awesomer. The winner will be selected in a video post this Friday.
In addition to a bio, I need softball questions. Not questions about softball, unless you want to hear about my awesome(er) church softball skills. No, I mean “softball” questions, the ones that are simple and easy to answer. Those I can do … you can see more examples on the Nest site. You know, things like “what’s your favorite color”, “what do you do in your free time”, “why did you think awesomer was an appropriate word for that post” … that sort of thing. On Friday I’ll pick the five questions that made me laugh, and those folks will each get a gift certificate to some place or another in the New River Valley.
How awesome is that?
Help. Please. JK is a nice guy but I need to get this done, and you don’t care about how many houses I’ve sold (several), or what designations I have (none). What do you want to know about the real estate agent you’re considering hiring?
This is gonna be awesome(er). Leave your bios and questions in the comments below.
Question: Since you became a realtor, what’s the longest period of time you have gone without electronic communication? (phone, iPad, computer, etc.)
i’ll write it for you. he he.