Live Music in Downtown Blacksburg

Blacksburg – and the New River Valley as a whole – is a wonderful place to live, yet it’s not uncommon to hear people say “there’s nothing to do here.”  I know I’ve said it.  For years, it seems there’s been a drain of talent as folks graduated and, rather than staying in the area and plying their trade, they’ve left for other pastures.  I know several folks who work in small businesses and, since they telecommute from anywhere, left Blacksburg for places like Idaho, and Colorado, and Italy.

The world is flat, and made flatter by the role of technology in our lives.

Despite all of that, it’s nice to see Blacksburg providing options for residents of the NRV to experience something different.  First came the announcement regarding live music in Market Park, called the Market Street Jam, and now we hear about the Sidewalk Stage.

The Sidewalk Stage program allows individuals or groups to perform in designated downtown areas Monday through Sunday, 10 am to 10 pm, following application with the Town. Musical acts are for acoustic, non amplified performance only. There is no fee required to complete the short application. Performance times are limited to three hours per day. While performing at Sidewalk Stage locations, a Sidewalk Stage permit must be displayed during performances.

Permitted Sidewalk Stage locations include:

  • The alcove on College Avenue beside Henderson Lawn, across from the Lyric Theatre
  • The brick sidewalk at the corner of Main Street and Jackson Street, next to Bookholders
  • The alley between Kent Square Subway and Starbucks
  • The grassy area of Market Square Park with the exception of Tuesday evenings from 7–11pm during the Market Square Jam. The Jam is open to all performers. For more information on the Market Square Jam, visit
  • Crosswalk alcove in front of Armory Gallery on Draper Road

For more information, email or call (540) 961-1199.

There’s a lot to love about our small town, and events like these help make it even more enjoyable.  As Bill Boebel said recently on Twitter regarding Boulder CO:

Boulder has the startup/biz/creative/outdoors/foodzie culture that we want in Blacksburg but can’t seem to create. It should be studied

I’m not suggesting we need to be any other place than what we are, because that’s a good thing.  But there’s a direct link between the availability and variety of the arts in a community and it’s overall health and growth.  I’m glad to see we’re taking steps toward reinforcing and strengthening the viability of our Town.

You can download the Sidewalk Stage application here.

7 thoughts on “Live Music in Downtown Blacksburg

  1. Jeremy Post author

    Great, not a bot! 🙂

    No, we’re a mid-morning attender as we usually walk from the house if the weather is nice, and it takes a while. Wander a bit more – grab some meat from Shadowchase Farms, and enjoy!

  2. Kelly H.


    I am really here, not a spam. You must be getting there at 6am on Sat.’s because when we go (around 9-10am) there are some things but they are not fresh looking or look dried out. I have never seen fresh eggs, I must be missing them or they are sellling out quick. There are usually only about 3 tables selling produce all the rest seem to sell ‘things’. It must be me, I look for fresh corn on the cob, long string beans to break, healthy looking cucumbers (sp. wrong), nice looking potatoes. I will start getting there as soon as it opens in hopes to buy the produce I want. Thanks for your feed back.

  3. Jeremy Post author

    Feel like I’m responding to a SPAM-bot, but here goes nothing …

    Kelly H – you bring up good points, but are we shopping at the same Farmers Market? Every week we pick up fresh eggs, greens and fruits, and usually finish it off with a crepe made by a local vendor, using local ingredients.

  4. Kelly H.

    I love this idea of music/bands playing all around downtown. I have lived here for about 16 years and have been somewhat dissapointed in the lack of special things going on for the ‘town of Blacksburg’, not just things when the Tech students are here. I feel the Farmers Market lacks in what you are calling it. If you go all you got are sells of jewelry, soaps, pottery, handmade items and more. I want a ‘good’ market,which is filled everywhere with fresh corn, fresh green beans, lettece, onions, cucumbers, potatoes, and all that farmed up veggies/homemade bread/etc.. . I love Blacksburg I love V-Tech, but come on Blacksburg, lets decorate more for Christmas. You put up alittle stuff around the light poles? We have to “merry it up”. String high garland across downtown streets with bells hanging from them, have high school students that are top artist in school be in charge of “The annual paint a Christmas thene”. This is where shop owners agree to the windows on main street to having a design and painted a christmas scene on their windows. Have outside Christmas music playing downtown. Have ‘Happy Hannakua’ (sp. wrong)banner hanging up or anyother type religion that celebrates in their way respresented. I love our 4th of July day, and Stepping out day, but lets get a wonderful downtown ( which is even getting better with all the new work down on the street, lights, walkways) . Keep the fun up!!!!!!

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