Looking For Live Music This Weekend?

Looking for something to do this weekend?  Want to try something a little different?

The Blacksburg Community Strings and Chamber Orchestra is holding a concert this Sunday, at 3pm, in Squires Student Center, you might want to check out.  While I’m not a raging chamber music fan – shocking, I know – I’ve found it’s always interesting to enjoy a different style once in a while.  And in this case, the concert is free.  Blacksburg has some really great community groups, and this is one of them.

Blacksburg StringsAdmission to the event is free, but donations will be taken – and for this event, will go to support the Valley Interfaith Child Care Center, a non-profit child care center serving kids of working families in the New River Valley.  This is a group very important to me and my wife, as we’ve worked with the center since it’s inception in 2004.

So check it out – 3pm in Squires Student Center.  Free to get in, but you have to pay to get out!  Sorry … bad joke.

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