Handshake 2.0 – No Hands Necessary

Handshake 20
Torc TechnologiesAnne Giles Clelland, of Handshake 2.0, recently drove the Bywire XGV (an unmanned Ford Escape Hybrid converted by Blacksburg firm Torc Technologies).  She captured a video of the experience, you can see it here.

Kudos to Anne for sharing the experience, and to Torc for allowing us all to check it out.  Torc Technologies is just one of the many companies here in the New River Valley that are doing some absolutely amazing things; it’s really cool to see technologies like this in action.

Thanks for sharing, Anne.

16 thoughts on “Handshake 2.0 – No Hands Necessary

  1. Lindsey Eversole

    I would be left speechless too if I just received a ride in TORC’s car! It seemed to be a smooth and effortless drive…there never seems to be a dull moment at TORC.

  2. Anne Giles Clelland

    “Giddy” is the perfect word, Shirley! I had to laugh at “speechless.” Yep, TORC did it!
    And Robert, I very much appreciate and share your vision of Jeremy Hart using the latest technology, such as that created by TORC, for the greatest good.

  3. Robert Giles

    Maybe some day soon you’ll be driving clients around the New River Valley in a windows-modified Escape Hybrid, commenting on the needs and potentials for re-locating for energy conservation, the newly developing rural scenery, and the new fleets of delivery vehicles (Torc technology) reducing costs and impacts of individual driving miles.
    It’s fun to witness, over-the-shoulder, a great start-up.

  4. Robert Giles

    Maybe some day soon you’ll be driving clients around the New River Valley in a windows-modified Escape Hybrid, commenting on the needs and potentials for re-locating for energy conservation, the newly developing rural scenery, and the new fleets of delivery vehicles (Torc technology) reducing costs and impacts of individual driving miles.
    It’s fun to witness, over-the-shoulder, a great start-up.

  5. Shirley B. Gillispie

    Wow! I can feel the thrill of it by just watching. 40mph is really moving for operation by remote. It makes me little giddy with excitement. If the car is pricey for me, how about a ride?
    Anne speechless? Leave it to TORC. They’re top shelf.

  6. Shirley B. Gillispie

    Wow! I can feel the thrill of it by just watching. 40mph is really moving for operation by remote. It makes me little giddy with excitement. If the car is pricey for me, how about a ride?
    Anne speechless? Leave it to TORC. They’re top shelf.

  7. Anne Giles Clelland

    “Giddy” is the perfect word, Shirley! I had to laugh at “speechless.” Yep, TORC did it!
    And Robert, I very much appreciate and share your vision of Jeremy Hart using the latest technology, such as that created by TORC, for the greatest good.

  8. Anne Giles Clelland

    What a creative title – I love it! And it’s perfectly accurate – did you see that steering wheel spin with no one there?! An amazing experience. And I agree about TORC. How exciting to have such innovation in our area! And truly, it is for sale. Can you imagine owning your own TORC car? Awing.
    Thanks, Jeremy, for sharing the excitement!

  9. Anne Giles Clelland

    What a creative title – I love it! And it’s perfectly accurate – did you see that steering wheel spin with no one there?! An amazing experience. And I agree about TORC. How exciting to have such innovation in our area! And truly, it is for sale. Can you imagine owning your own TORC car? Awing.
    Thanks, Jeremy, for sharing the excitement!

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