Happy Birthday Blog

I missed a birthday once.  Not the birthday of a friend or a family member, which I’ve done more times than I care to admit, but an important birthday that I share with – well, no one else I know.  I missed my own.

I was in college – studying hard, Mom – and just forgot it.  Woke up on September 26th to a full day of … college stuff … and forgot all about it until an aunt called to wish me Happy Birthday.  “HUH?”  Oh yea, it’s my birthday.

Makes for a good story, and it’s true as well, but I apparently didn’t learn my lesson because I’ve donBloge it again.  This blog turned two on December 24th, and I waltzed right by it as I recovered from the joy and ecstasy of a wrapping
paper party.  So Happy Birthday blog.  The first post was a Merry Christmas to no one in particular because no one was reading at the time, and two years later I’m admitting my failure as a good student and manager of important dates.  Wow … I’ve come so far.

Thanks for reading, thanks for suggesting topics to discuss, and thanks for getting involved in the conversation.  The opportunities presented to me because of this blog have exceeded any tiny idea I ever had of how it could benefit real estate in the New River Valley, and it’s because of the conversations we’ve had – on and offline.  I hope that will continue, and I’m looking forward to it … hope you are all as well.

Happy Birthday, blog.  We now return to regularly scheduled programming.

6 thoughts on “Happy Birthday Blog

  1. Margaret Galecki

    Congratulations to you, Jeremy, and many thanks to you for kicking all of us in to “blog mode”. I have, and many other agents at Coldwell Banker Townside have learned much from you about social media over the last two years. Blogiversary? – sounds good. Happy blogiversary from me too!

  2. Margaret Galecki

    Congratulations to you, Jeremy, and many thanks to you for kicking all of us in to “blog mode”. I have, and many other agents at Coldwell Banker Townside have learned much from you about social media over the last two years. Blogiversary? – sounds good. Happy blogiversary from me too!

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