Local Business _ SWVA BloggersI JUST found out about a cool new site for Southwest VA that I wanted to make sure to put out there.  It's called, and it's put together by a group of bloggers who want to offer a one stop to get information from all sorts of SWVA blogs.  From their site:

The idea behind the site is to pool the creative writing skills and wide variety of topics from local bloggers into one site. From local sports and business, to parenting and local governments; we’re looking to bring all the local bloggers under one URL. We’re not asking them to move their blogs here, simply offers them another outlet to showcase their passions while at the same time, providing a centralized site with a wide range of topics related to this part of the Commonwealth.

A quick search through the site and I see information on pumpkin pickin', Virginia Tech sports, product reviews … all kinds of stuff, even real estate (the screen shot above just happened to have a post I wrote yesterday, it was completely coincidental I swear).  Their list of bloggers includes:

It's a great idea, thanks to those of you who took the time to put it together – they've even created a Facebook group and Twitter page!  If you'd like your blog to be a part of (and membership is FREE), email Gary.


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