Your Face Is Broken

Remember the Keystone Light beer commercials, with their Bitter Beer Face theme?
This post isn’t about that – but those were still funny commercials.

I did read in the Roanoke Times that the Town of Blacksburg is considering ways to keep moped riders from breaking their face.  With rising gas prices, moped – and motorcycle – ridership has increased throughout the New River Valley, and particularly in Blacksburg.  Currently, anything with a motor of 50cc or less is classified as a moped, and no helmet is required to ride on the road.  Anything higher than 50cc (and really, if you’re going to put yourself in traffic, why would you ride something so small?) requires a helmet. When people are not careful out on the street, that´s when do most motorcycle accidents occur.

The propoTbspec1271donnypused Blacksburg ordinance requiring all moped riders, regardless of their whip’s engine size, to wear a helmet with faceshield or glasses will go up for public discussion on August 12th.  As I’ve typed this, my neighbor has zipped off on his moped – nice to see he’s wearing a helmet.  But if you’ve got something to 
say about your need to avoid Helmet Hair, put it in your calendar, here’s your chance to discuss it.  Personally, I think you need to have a helmet – but, I don’t like getting my face broken.

(Okay, that <—– is some serious Helmet Hair.)

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