Blacksburg High School Among Top High Schools In The Country

Just announced by Newsweek Magazine:

Blacksburg High School is one of the Top 5% of high schools in the country.

Let me repeat that.

Little 'ole Blacksburg High School has been ranked as one of the top high schools in the country.  From the County's press release:

"Montgomery County Public Schools has steadily increased its offering of Advanced Placement and Dual Enrollment courses over the last few years. These offerings have provided students with more opportunities to take challenging courses throughout their secondary education."

There's been a steady improvement in the Blacksburg's ranking over the last few years … in 2006, they were ranked 335th, and last year they improved to 330th.  I'm sure that's due in no small part to the teachers of Blacksburg High School, as well as to Principal Michael Hurst and his staff.  Congratulations to all!

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