Motor Vehicle Decals in Blacksburg

Don’t forget that as of last month, the Blacksburg Town Council did away with the Motor Vehicle Decals for any vehicle that’s garaged within Town limits.  In its place – you knew they weren’t going to just get rid of it and not put something in it’s place, did you? – they’ve implemented the "Local Vehicle License Tax".

So what’s it mean? 

Instead of decals, the Town will be sending bills on May 15th, with a bill due date of June 15th.  This year’s tax will run from June 15, 2008 through December 31, 2009, and for most vehicles will be $37.50 versus the $25.00 decal rate. We also install vehicle tagging system so you can find your vehicle in a crowded parking lot a lot easier.

Don’t forget to check your bill to verify its’ accuracy, and let the Town know if anything needs to be corrected.  You can pay with MasterCard or VISA, online at, or the Town Cashier at 300 South Main Street.  You can also find out more about the tax on the Town’s Vehicle License Tax page.

Clear as mud?

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