Despite The Intentions Of Some, I WILL Remember Virginia Tech

I’m royally pissed right now, and because my mother reads this blog I’ll refrain from repeating exactly what’s running through my mind. 

Some jackwad emails me this morning … "you’re not going to put out more Virginia Tech crap today, are you?"  To "Enough Already" I say this – screw you.  If you don’t have the intestinal fortitude to put your real name and email address up … you know, I just don’t get it.  32 people lost their lives at the hands of one sick individual, dozens more were injured, and tens of thousands of current, former, future students/alumni/faculty and staff lived a nightmare.  I got beat up last year for blogging about the shootings at Virginia Tech, but if you don’t like it you don’t have to read.  My wife and I were closer to those events than I’ve discussed on this blog, and it affected me in ways I’m not sure I quite understand even yet.  Don’t bother coming back.  Seriously …

This post is about the shootings, and remembering.  It’s a positive post, I think … if you don’t want to read, that’s fine, I’m just giving you the heads up.  It’s not a recap, just my way of showing people how I’M finding a way to heal.
  I’m just reposting some things that I think are POSITIVE … there are hundreds more you can find online, it won’t be hard.

Slideshow of JR Woodward’s view of healing

Guest post from Sherry Inge, mother of Matthew Inge, a current Virginia Tech student (and NRVLiving Real Estate client!)

And Nikki Giovanni’s speech, which still gets me choked up everytime I watch it …

See, Enough Already, that wasn’t too bad was it?  The next post will be about real estate, but I have a feeling you don’t care much about that, either.      

18 thoughts on “Despite The Intentions Of Some, I WILL Remember Virginia Tech

  1. Erica

    You should be able to blog about whatever you want. The VT incident shouldn’t be out of people’s minds yet, especially for those close to it.

  2. Erica

    You should be able to blog about whatever you want. The VT incident shouldn’t be out of people’s minds yet, especially for those close to it.

  3. Jeremy Hart

    Marty – I find it hard to understand why someone would want to harass over an event like that. It’s not painful just because it’s my hometown, it’s painful because of the circumstances, the loss of innocence, the senselessness of it all. It affects all of us, and mocking that just seems ridiculous.

    Steven – thanks, I’m looking forward to seeing some more cool photos from you. Where are they?

    Mike – cool event, wasn’t it? You’re right, it was about remembering, which can be solemn, but it was about healing more than anything. I think that’s going to be accomplished.

    Eric – I hear ya. Nothing wrong with moving on, but forgetting? Never. 9/11 was our generation’s “JFK” moment, but April 16th was also one, I think – at least here regionally. I remember details of that day – vivid details – that I’ll never forget, yet can’t remember where I put my “to file” tax stuff for 2007. Whoops …

  4. Jeremy Hart

    Marty – I find it hard to understand why someone would want to harass over an event like that. It’s not painful just because it’s my hometown, it’s painful because of the circumstances, the loss of innocence, the senselessness of it all. It affects all of us, and mocking that just seems ridiculous.
    Steven – thanks, I’m looking forward to seeing some more cool photos from you. Where are they?
    Mike – cool event, wasn’t it? You’re right, it was about remembering, which can be solemn, but it was about healing more than anything. I think that’s going to be accomplished.
    Eric – I hear ya. Nothing wrong with moving on, but forgetting? Never. 9/11 was our generation’s “JFK” moment, but April 16th was also one, I think – at least here regionally. I remember details of that day – vivid details – that I’ll never forget, yet can’t remember where I put my “to file” tax stuff for 2007. Whoops …

  5. Eric Johnsen

    I’ve heard it many times myself, “enough is enough, let’s get past it.” I’m sorry, I won’t, do you want to know why?, I’ll tell you, I didn’t know what Columbine meant until 4/16/07 happened, unfortunately people don’t appreciate events that happen to others in life until they happen to you. I also felt that way about divorce, I had little sympathy for divorcee’s until I went through one. I can understand that now and have room for empathy now that I didn’t have before. Events that happen to you change your perspectives on how others may feel during those traumatic times. I’m sorry for those who don’t want to hear it anymore, but it’s important to remember. I used to see the tops of the World Trade Center from my home town in NJ, I’ll be there this weekend and I won’t see them. Now there is a big hole in the ground as well as big hole in the skyline over that great city. I’ll never forget that, nor will I ever stop talking to people about April 16th. I wish no one ever has to experience these types of events ever again, but they will, we will, you will, unfortunately that is life and we all must continue through this journey with out ever forgetting where we came from, what came before us and respect the processes that each of us use to deal with those events.

  6. Eric Johnsen

    I’ve heard it many times myself, “enough is enough, let’s get past it.” I’m sorry, I won’t, do you want to know why?, I’ll tell you, I didn’t know what Columbine meant until 4/16/07 happened, unfortunately people don’t appreciate events that happen to others in life until they happen to you. I also felt that way about divorce, I had little sympathy for divorcee’s until I went through one. I can understand that now and have room for empathy now that I didn’t have before. Events that happen to you change your perspectives on how others may feel during those traumatic times. I’m sorry for those who don’t want to hear it anymore, but it’s important to remember. I used to see the tops of the World Trade Center from my home town in NJ, I’ll be there this weekend and I won’t see them. Now there is a big hole in the ground as well as big hole in the skyline over that great city. I’ll never forget that, nor will I ever stop talking to people about April 16th. I wish no one ever has to experience these types of events ever again, but they will, we will, you will, unfortunately that is life and we all must continue through this journey with out ever forgetting where we came from, what came before us and respect the processes that each of us use to deal with those events.

  7. Mike Ziray

    Hope you came out today. This was the perfect day for me. April 16th unofficially ended my undergraduate career at Tech as I didn’t do any work after that day. Of course that’s not how I think about my last days as an undergrad; I think about my family and friends at my graduation. Today was much the same because people got together and enjoyed the beautiful day, parents came down to spend time with their kids and we remembered. So keep sharing what you have to say and don’t let anyone tell you how you should go about healing. Thanks for the post!

  8. Mike Ziray

    Hope you came out today. This was the perfect day for me. April 16th unofficially ended my undergraduate career at Tech as I didn’t do any work after that day. Of course that’s not how I think about my last days as an undergrad; I think about my family and friends at my graduation. Today was much the same because people got together and enjoyed the beautiful day, parents came down to spend time with their kids and we remembered. So keep sharing what you have to say and don’t let anyone tell you how you should go about healing. Thanks for the post!

  9. Marty Martin

    It affected so many people in so many different ways. You’re right in your comments. If people don’t like it, then move on. It’s so insensitive to harass someone over what they are blogging about that’s close to them, especially an event like April 16.
    Mourning an event like this will take years for many to get to a state of acceptance and peace, if ever.

  10. Jeremy Hart

    It’s hard, isn’t it Ron? I’m not angry – I’m sad, it chokes me up when I remember the outpouring of support, but I’m not certain that closure is the right thinging for me. Acceptance, acknowledgement and reverence, but not closure.

    Thanks for sharing …

  11. Jeremy Hart

    It’s hard, isn’t it Ron? I’m not angry – I’m sad, it chokes me up when I remember the outpouring of support, but I’m not certain that closure is the right thinging for me. Acceptance, acknowledgement and reverence, but not closure.
    Thanks for sharing …

  12. Ron Jarrell

    “it affected me in ways I’m not sure I quite understand even yet.”

    I know what you mean. I’m not sure I ever came to any kind of closure. Doesn’t help when the fall out from it is a daily event at work.

  13. Ron Jarrell

    “it affected me in ways I’m not sure I quite understand even yet.”
    I know what you mean. I’m not sure I ever came to any kind of closure. Doesn’t help when the fall out from it is a daily event at work.

  14. Marty Martin

    It affected so many people in so many different ways. You’re right in your comments. If people don’t like it, then move on. It’s so insensitive to harass someone over what they are blogging about that’s close to them, especially an event like April 16.

    Mourning an event like this will take years for many to get to a state of acceptance and peace, if ever.

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