Dynamic Subprime Mortgage Map

Discovered this subprime mortage map somewhere online last week – I wish I knew who to give credit to where credit was due, I’m sorry about that.  Nevertheless, it’s an interesting tool to determine the percentage of subprime and Alt+A mortgages in your area.   It looks like it tracks, among other things:

  • # of subprime loans per 1000 units
  • # in foreclosure per 1000 units
  • # of REOs (Real Estate Owned, aka Bank Owned properties) per 1000 units
  • Median Combined Loan-To-Value

A neat little tool, play with it and see how your area stacks up.

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4 thoughts on “Dynamic Subprime Mortgage Map

  1. Client Centric Real Estate

    What’s the Subprime Map Look Like in Your Area?

    Jeremy Hart at NRVLiving.com wrote a post today about a resource to find out what the loan makeup is in your area. I think this is an exceptionally useful tool for Realtors. Knowing your market is very important and will

  2. Client Centric Real Estate

    What’s the Subprime Map Look Like in Your Area?

    Jeremy Hart at NRVLiving.com wrote a post today about a resource to find out what the loan makeup is in your area. I think this is an exceptionally useful tool for Realtors. Knowing your market is very important and will

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