I was at a conference last week in Leesburg for a few hours, and one of the presenters brought up his blog to talk about a couple of issues. I was shocked at the front page …
"The Loudoun County Board of Supervisors approved a tax rate increase of 19% for real estate. The new rate is $1.14 per $1000 in property value."
Holy cow! $1.14 per $1000 in property value? If a home is valued at $500000 (which is pretty close to the average), you're going to pay $5700 a year in taxes, $475 a month, or almost $16 A DAY!
A comparison?
Look at the New River Valley, where tax rates range from $.89 in Blacksburg, $.77 in Christiansburg and $.73 in Radford. Using the same $500000 home, that would be:
- Blacksburg – $4450.00
- Christiansburg – $3850.00
- Radford – $3650
If you're looking to move out of the Northern VA (and we're working with several now that are), the New River Valley can help you save some of those dollars.
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