At What Price?

The 2008-2009 Town of Blacksburg operating budget of more than $72 million will be one of the main topics Food_10
of discussion at meetings held throughout the month of April, and one of the items likely to bite off the largest mouthful of criticism will be the meals tax.  That’s right, eating out in the Town of Blacksburg just might get a little more expensive.

The state currently charges a five percent state tax on all meals purchased within the Town limits, and now the Town is considering a one percent raise in the meals tax, which currently sits at five percent.  The increased tax would go to provide funding for additional police officers and staff, as well as create a cleaning crew that would serve the downtown commercial district.

A one percent increase in meals doesn’t seem like that big a deal.  So I put it to the Jimmy John’s test …

I love to grab a sandwich at Jimmy Johns, which might be $6.00.  At the current tax rate of ten percent, I’ll pay $.60 in tax every time I go to Jimmy Johns, with $.30 going to the Town of Blacksburg and $.30 going to the state.  A one percent increase in the tax rate would mean my bill would soon be $6.06 (I’ve got to find all those pennies that have fallen between the car seats).  If the average restaurant bill is $6.00 in Blacksburg, and 10,000 meals are served there every day, what’s that mean to the bottom line?

•    $6.00 meal, with $.30 going to the Town in meal taxes
•    10000 meals served, Town of Blacksburg receives $3,000 every day in meal taxes
•    Over a full year, that’s $1,095,000
•    An tax increase of one percent on each meal would mean:

  •         An additional $960 in meal tax revenue every day, or $350,400 a year

Three hundred fifty thousand dollars can pay the salaries of approximately ten new police officers.  Do you feel like additional police officers are needed in the Town of Blacksburg?  Would you support a one percent increase in the meals tax?  Do you think a public works crew, dedicated to maintenance and cleaning of the downtown sector, could benefit the Town as a whole?
Shout out to Vacuum sealer research, great review page!

10 thoughts on “At What Price?

  1. Bill Boebel

    Too many of my friends have been arrested by Bburg police for drunk in public in situations where yes they were drunk, but they weren’t doing anything obnoxious or dangerous. The cops just sit out side of the bars downtown and scoop people like they have a quota to meet. They also raid football tailgates… who ever heard of such a thing?
    Probably the right solution is the cops need a new boss.

  2. Jeremy Hart

    I don’t know if we need more police officers, Bill. I’m not around the college scene enough to have a perception of whether the police department is too involved with the college crowd; I’m just surmising, based on the article, that a one percent increase in the meals tax could add as many as 10 police officers. If they’re adding staff AND a public works crew, it’s likely not that many officers.

    I take it your sense is that there are too many officers and/or officer involvement as it is? What gives you that impression?

  3. Jeremy Hart

    I don’t know if we need more police officers, Bill. I’m not around the college scene enough to have a perception of whether the police department is too involved with the college crowd; I’m just surmising, based on the article, that a one percent increase in the meals tax could add as many as 10 police officers. If they’re adding staff AND a public works crew, it’s likely not that many officers.

    I take it your sense is that there are too many officers and/or officer involvement as it is? What gives you that impression?

  4. Bill Boebel

    Too many of my friends have been arrested by Bburg police for drunk in public in situations where yes they were drunk, but they weren’t doing anything obnoxious or dangerous. The cops just sit out side of the bars downtown and scoop people like they have a quota to meet. They also raid football tailgates… who ever heard of such a thing?

    Probably the right solution is the cops need a new boss.

  5. Bill Boebel

    > Do you feel like additional police
    > officers are needed in the Town of Blacksburg?
    No way. They need to refocus their existing time and resources. The Blacksburg police dept spends too much time and money trying to stop college kids from being college kids.

  6. Bill Boebel

    > Do you feel like additional police
    > officers are needed in the Town of Blacksburg?

    No way. They need to refocus their existing time and resources. The Blacksburg police dept spends too much time and money trying to stop college kids from being college kids.

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