Utterz – What Is It?

The other day I posted an Utterz regarding the Wonderful First Wednesdays event being held in downtown Blacksburg.  You might have noticed that instead of a text post, it was an audio file, sent from my cell phone. 

What’s the big deal?

Utterz is a really cool program that allows you to post audio files directly to your blog (or your Twitter account, if you’d like).  I’ve been a member for quite some time, but haven’t used it much – usually, when I need to remind myself of something, I use Jott.  Nevertheless, this post is about Utterz.

One of the REALLY cool things about Utterz is that if you can record video on your cell phone, or even take a picture using your phone, you can email it to Utterz and have the media show up in a simple web page.  Ben Martin gives a really good explanation of how to do this.

You should check out Utterz.  I know I’ll be using it more often.

2 thoughts on “Utterz – What Is It?

  1. Ben Martin, CAE

    How can I describe Utterz? Hmmm… It’s like flipping through pictures with friends and describing them. Only with Utterz, I can share photos and tell my friends what they are about as I take them.

  2. Ben Martin, CAE

    How can I describe Utterz? Hmmm… It’s like flipping through pictures with friends and describing them. Only with Utterz, I can share photos and tell my friends what they are about as I take them.

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