Upcoming Suggest A Post Ideas

A couple of days ago I wrote that I wanted to know what readers were looking for in this little corner of the real estate web.  It was spurred in part by Ryan, a reader from Ohio, who wrote in suggesting a discussion about how to consider what remodeling projects to undertake in a home.  Good topic, and particularly important in a down market like Ohio is experiencing right now.  But he wasn’t the only one!

So, upcoming topics I’ll be working on include:

  • Who’s blogging about the NRV
  • Why do agents create a niche
  • How to consider what remodels
  • Things to know about VA’s real estate market

I’m looking forward to working on these over the next couple of weeks, but PLEASE!  Don’t stop there – if there’s something you’d like to discuss, email me and let me know!  And don’t forget to use the Comments section on any post you’d like to discuss in more detail.

2 thoughts on “Upcoming Suggest A Post Ideas

  1. Anne Clelland

    I would welcome your thorough research, quirky, right-to-the-point links, personal knowledge, and personal insights on this topic: Why might entrepreneurs successfully locate themselves in the New River Valley?

  2. Anne Clelland

    I would welcome your thorough research, quirky, right-to-the-point links, personal knowledge, and personal insights on this topic: Why might entrepreneurs successfully locate themselves in the New River Valley?

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