Can Mercury Morris Ever Be Stopped?

Is that really the Super Bowl logo?  Geez, that’s awful!

A few weeks ago I wrote about the New England Patriots’ pursuit of perfection as they attempted to go 19-0, and then followed it up with a post modifying my position a little bit.  Last night was the Super Bowl, and unless you’ve been hiding under a rock (apparently it was the most viewed Super Bowl, and the second-most viewed program EVER behind the final episode of M.A.S.H.) you’ve by now heard that the Patriots lost, and the New York Giants won.  I don’t get into pro football much, but I followed the NFL a bit more this season because of the Patriots.  What they were able to do was virtually unheard of, only to lose it in the game that mattered the most.  I didn’t get to watch most of the game – I caught the last quarter – but it got me thinking …

All week long it seemed like EVERYONE was picking the Patriots to win.  And why not? They were 18-0, had Grumpy Bill and Model Tom leading the charge, and all the story lines.  The Giants were just there to have someone to play, but the trophy had already been awarded to the Patriots.  End of story.  Not so fast … whatever the Giants needed to do to win, they did.  They needed defense?  Got it.  Needed their quarterback to have the game – and the play – of his life?  Done.  Needed the Patriots to make some mistakes?  That happened as well.  Surprising because all season long, we knew what to expect from the Patriots.  They were consistent, week in and week out, and stayed on an even keel even while their opponents stumbled.

I wrote that perhaps the path to perfection wasn’t the fact that you won, it was the pursuitPerfection – in your business, in your relationships, in your pursuits – is doing what you can, giving all you can, to the task.  Last night, the Giants did just that.  The Patriots were the known commodity, the Giants just a young upstart with nothing to lose. 

I challenge you to be perfect.  I know I’ll be trying.  I’ll fail a lot, succeed some, but in the end I hope my clients and friends will see that I’m doing my best.  If they do, that’ll just be … well, perfect.

Now – could someone PLEASE get Mercury Morris to stop talking?

And while we’re on the subject of the Super Bowl, here’s a really weird video of Patriots fans doing … something.  It’s impressive, their commitment to the character – but it’s still a little scary.

4 thoughts on “Can Mercury Morris Ever Be Stopped?

  1. Jeremy Hart

    Good points, Darla. I don’t think this VideoGate is going away anytime soon, it’s been gaining momentum. But you’re right, I’ve got nothing if I don’t have integrity.

  2. Darla

    I enjoyed your post on the Super Bowl, and was going to make the point that the Giants were so dangerous because they had nothing to lose……then you made that point yourself.

    But what got me thinking was your post on perfection, and the pursuit of perfection. Keep in mind that the Patriots are embroiled in a cheating scandal for their liberal use of videotaping to help their cause – videotaping of opposing coaches and play-callers, and now comes word that they taped their opponents’ walkthrough at a previous Super Bowl.

    The pursuit of perfection looks a bit tarnished without integrity. I would prefer the pursuit of “pretty darn good” with my honor, trust, and respect intact.

  3. Darla

    I enjoyed your post on the Super Bowl, and was going to make the point that the Giants were so dangerous because they had nothing to lose……then you made that point yourself.
    But what got me thinking was your post on perfection, and the pursuit of perfection. Keep in mind that the Patriots are embroiled in a cheating scandal for their liberal use of videotaping to help their cause – videotaping of opposing coaches and play-callers, and now comes word that they taped their opponents’ walkthrough at a previous Super Bowl.
    The pursuit of perfection looks a bit tarnished without integrity. I would prefer the pursuit of “pretty darn good” with my honor, trust, and respect intact.

  4. Jeremy Hart

    Good points, Darla. I don’t think this VideoGate is going away anytime soon, it’s been gaining momentum. But you’re right, I’ve got nothing if I don’t have integrity.

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