Will Blacksburg Choose To Box Another Day?

Montgomery County Judge Bobby Turk has ruled this morning on the Blacksburg v. Fairmount Properties battle, and the ruling is …

in favor of the developer

Interesting that if this goes to the state Supreme Court, it'll influence how governments handle new developments.  Personally, I think this has gone on long enough.  Town Council has wasted a LOT of money to try and amend something that they feel they mistakingly passed, and taxpayers are paying for the mistake.  Your thoughts? 

2 thoughts on “Will Blacksburg Choose To Box Another Day?

  1. John

    Yup. Time to give it up. Every other rezoning in B’burg has typically been required to proffer their concept plan. Didn’t happen when the Council rezoned this property.
    I think the TOB would be wasting money if they tried to take it any further.

  2. John

    Yup. Time to give it up. Every other rezoning in B’burg has typically been required to proffer their concept plan. Didn’t happen when the Council rezoned this property.
    I think the TOB would be wasting money if they tried to take it any further.

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