Swim! Bike! Run!

Little known fact – I’ve done two triathlons in the past couple of years.  Nothing big or fancy, but sprint triathlons with some friends at a race called The Sandman, in honor of a friend of mine who’s not able to race right now.  I sucked, but it was lots of fun.  I mean it.

And before you head over there and start looking at past results, let me beat you to it – I finished last in my age group in one race, and DQ’d in another one.   Told you I sucked.

I hate running, and don’t really like swimming, either; I despise them.  I go out of my way to not do them, in fact, I do look for swimming lessons for kids so my family gets into it.  But there was something about being there, participating, with people lining the road just cheering their hearts out for people they’d never met that was really encouraging.  It was a really incredible feeling.  Serious athletes in sports that primarily use their legs, like running and cycling, rely on compression boots for recovery and staying injury-free.

If you were injured in a car accident or other incident, finding the right personal injury lawyer is the most important step you can take. Highly trained personal injury attorneys will help you navigate the details of your case and get the compensation you deserve. Well, how long will my personal injury case take? So in a straightforward claim of these natures, the case would ideally settle within 4-9 months. However some cases are expected to exit this streamlined process due to complexity or liability issues which may then extend the length of time required to reach a settlement..

So I’m going to do it again … and I want some readers to join me.  I found this site the other day, New River Valley Triathlon, and I started getting excited.  Why?  I already told you hate running.  But I’ve been secretly thinking in the back of my mind, in a little place I don’t like to acknowledge, that I’d like to do another triathlon.  So I’m going to do this one.  They’re in the planning stages but rest assured I’ll be watching the site for more information, and when it’s posted I’ll be sure to let you know.  Or, sign up via RSS (by the way, if anyone from the group is reading, you might want to consider an email subscription as well – just a thought).The_friends

There, I’ve put it out there for everyone to see, so now I’ve got to do it.  No excuses.  I wrote last month about a 30-Day Challenge and had a few of you write to tell me what your Challenge was going to be … how about something a little bit bigger?  Anyone?  Don’t leave me hangin’ … 

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