Can You Ever Be Perfect?

By now, if you’ve even sniffed the NFL this year, you’ve likely heard that the New England Patriots have gone 16-0 in the regular season.  Perfect in every game, they’ve won sixteen straight times, have clinched home field advantage throughout the playoffs, and set record after record along the way.  Only four other NFL times have teams been undefeated – the Bears (in 1934 and 1942) and the Dolphins (in 1972). 

Perfection.  I started thinking over the weekend, what does it mean to be perfect in real estate?  For that matter, what does it mean to be perfect in any profession?  As an agent, does perfection mean that when my buyer client tells me their criteria, I know the PERFECT home for them right away?  Does it mean there are no hiccups in the transaction? 

An agent in Charlottesville, Daniel Rothamel, is also a basketball referee.  What’s perfection to a basketball official?  I would surmise it’s having the ability to call a game and really never be noticed … the ability to fly under the radar.

What’s perfection in other professions, I wonder

Surgeons?  Well, I’d suppose it’s getting a patient off the table, ready to heal and better than ever.

Accountants?  Saving their clients every last penny when it comes to filing year-end taxes.

Teachers?  Seeing that troubled kid turn things around and shine.

Is perfection ever really possible?  What do you think? 

2 thoughts on “Can You Ever Be Perfect?

  1. Daniel Rothamel

    One of the things I LOVE about officiating is the the “perfect game” is a moving target that is always just out of your grasp, no matter how hard you work. The definition you offer is, in fact, what ever official strives for.

  2. Daniel Rothamel

    One of the things I LOVE about officiating is the the “perfect game” is a moving target that is always just out of your grasp, no matter how hard you work. The definition you offer is, in fact, what ever official strives for.

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