Radio Show 11/24/07

MicrophoneThe Thanksgiving edition of the NRVLiving Real Estate Show is up and ready for download.  Don’t forget, you can always stream the show every Saturday morning at 10am by visiting 810AM WPIN and clicking "Tune It".

Topics this week included:

* Did you hear there was a big football game in Charlottesville this past weekend?  Well, we’ve got a conversation with Steve regarding the differences between Blacksburg and Charlottesville
* I got pissed off this past week – not uncommon for me to get bent out of shape about something, but usually I come back to Earth pretty quickly.  This time, however, someone said something to me that just got me fired up … and several days later, I’m still annoyed!

You can check out the show by clicking the link below, and don’t forget that you can always stream 810AM by visiting their website and clicking "Tune It".

Download nrvliving_live_nov_24_2007.m4b

See you next week, Saturday from 10:00-10:30! 

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