Protect Your Home From Crime During The Holiday

It’s an unfortunate part of our society, but the fact remains that crime during the holidays, particular crime like breaking and entering, is at its highest.  Take Blacksburg, for instance – many homes are empty during holidays due to the fact they are occupied by students who are home on break, or homeowners have simply left for time off.  Consider these simple tips, from State Farm and Eric Johnsen:
Another great idea for security would be to get a home security camera system and also Inc.

  • Keep sidewalks and walkways clear of debris and snow
  • Use automatic timers on lights and radios (apparently burglars don’t like lights and noise)
  • Have a neighbor pick up mail and newspapers, but DON’T have them stopped – that requires a note in your mailbox, a convenient tip to a would-be burglar.
  • Don’t hide spare keys around the house.  Under the mat, or under that fake pile of Dog Poo, isn’t working real well.

It’s not the most uplifting post, but I hope it’s a good reminder for everyone.  Hope everyone has a safe and happy Holidays! 

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