And The Winner is …

Last month, as part of the Halloween "festivities", I posted the following picture in our "Caption This" section …

The owner is Ric Griffin of West Virginia, and every year he cons – I mean, spends quality time – with his friends, family and neighbors and they carve thousands of Jack-O-Lanterns.  I asked you to caption the picture, and you responded …

Some great comments followed, including "What do you mean I missed one?" by Darla, and "Pumpkin pie for dessert again?" by Brian, but the one that made me chuckle was:

"Lucky for him, the electric bill is in his mother-in-law’s name" by Daniel.  Congratulations to Mr. Rothamel, I hope he’ll make sure to wear a NRVLiving t-shirt while he’s out showing properties to Charlottesville clients!

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