Caption This …

Your Halloween edition of "Caption This" is below … This week’s prize?  An shirt from the Store … and if it’s REALLY good, I might just throw in a hat for the extra effort.  Have fun with this one!


This is from The Great Pumpkin House in West Virginia.  The owner, Ric Griffin, carves pumpkins with friends and neighbors every year … They say there are 3000+ Jack-O-Lanterns this year.

10 thoughts on “Caption This …

  1. Tommy Clapp

    “Yeah we done runned outta couches so we had to start firing the punkins up.” Go Mound-ton-ears!

  2. Tommy Clapp

    “Yeah we done runned outta couches so we had to start firing the punkins up.” Go Mound-ton-ears!

  3. Jaclyn

    Talk about making up for an unfulfilled childhood – his parents must not have let him trick-or-treat either… damn “devil’s holiday.”

  4. Jaclyn

    Talk about making up for an unfulfilled childhood – his parents must not have let him trick-or-treat either… damn “devil’s holiday.”

  5. Daniel Rothamel

    I’ve got two, since I can’t tell what the method of illumination is for the Jack-o-Lanterns.
    1) The good news is, he is only one block from the firehouse.
    2) Lucky for him, the electric bill is in his mother-in-law’s name.
    Cool pic.

  6. Daniel Rothamel

    I’ve got two, since I can’t tell what the method of illumination is for the Jack-o-Lanterns.

    1) The good news is, he is only one block from the firehouse.

    2) Lucky for him, the electric bill is in his mother-in-law’s name.

    Cool pic.

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