Save Money On Your Real Estate – Check Out These Eco-Friendly Items

I know Aaron is all over this on her blog, but I picked up on an Eco-Friendly post by Jackie Colson-Miller from KW in Tampa, and wanted to plug it.  It talks about eco-friendly trends for you to consider as you head into today’s real estate market.  It includes:

  • Copper
  • Timber framing
  • Low-E windows
  • Rainwater holding tanks
  • Majestic Lighting
  • Green toilets
  • Geothermal heating and cooling systems
  • Attic heat blocker
  • Smart irrigation systems

Locally, we’re not seeing the major systems being installed (except for the Town of Blacksburg’s new geothermal heating system, to be installed in their new Town offices), but plenty of sellers are taking advantage of Low-E windows and new lighting like LED and compact-fluorescents.   Great post, Jackie!

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