How The iPhone Will Change Real Estate

I’m an Apple guy … I love their products and technology, namely because they just work.  I have no idea why someone would use a PC and fiddle with all those glitches and errors and bugs and worms and think that’s the way it should be.  Apples just work – they’re intuitively designed to function as a whole rather than as a bunch of fragmented features, and for someone like me who doesn’t want to know HOW it works, just that it DOES work, that’s the ideal. 

So with the release of the iPhone, I’m just salivating.  And stewing.  Stewing that my Verizon Palm Treo died a few months ago and I had to get a new phone in advance of the iPhone launch.  Stewing that our Christiansburg AT&T store isn’t carrying them, and privately a little happy about that same fact as I’d want to buy one even more – right then.  The iPhone is a tremendous product that I truly believe will revolutionize mobile communication, but getting more specific, how will it revolutionize real estate?

The iPhone is not really a phone – it’s a mobile phone masquerading as a mobile computer, and with the addition of a functional web browser (Safari) to the iPhone I think we’re going to begin to see the convergence of  several technologies to provide even wider distribution of content.  Imagine being notified by email of a listing that’s come on the market near where you are currently driving!  Perhaps you’re sitting outside of a home that’s listed and want to hear a podcast of the home – pull up the web address and voila, listen away.  Or, check out video of the home on iTunes … ALL of it can be done on the iPhone, and even more uses will be discovered in the months to come. 

It’s a technology that could have a real lasting impact on how real estate is marketed.

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