Showdown In The Hedgepath Chambers, 7:30pm

Tonight, the battle rages on.  Blacksburg Town Council votes tonight on Ordinance 1450, an Ordinance proposed by Council to limit the size of retail buildings to no more than 80000 square feet without Council-issued Special Use Permit.  Proponents of the Ordinance say that it is the "Anti-WalMart" Ordinance, while opponents of the Ordinance say it's an inappropriate use of governmental regulations and limits economic growth for the Town. 

Adding drama to an already intense "my feelings are hurt" debate, the developer have the property has already filed a preemptive suit against the Town, and rumors are swelling that Councilman Langrehr is using the Ordinance to gain support for another run at Mayor. 

Oh, isn't Blacksburg fun sometimes?  But in all seriousness, regardless of where you stand on this issue this is where your voice should be heard.  The session begins at 7:30pm at Town Hall tonight – if it's anything like last summer's session when the project was approved, it should be exciting.  If you're able to make it and see me there, stop by and say hello!

10 thoughts on “Showdown In The Hedgepath Chambers, 7:30pm

  1. Jeremy Hart

    You know, Former Citizen, that’s not a bad point. I would be surprised if Council made decisions without looking at the ramifications, but sometimes it DOES seem as if we’ve got a reactionary Council that reacts and responds to an impending issue, rather than one that follows a well-laid plan. There’s a real dichotomy between the academia and corporate culture except at the very highest levels of academic administration, and it seems that we try and fit public policy within the framework of academia far too often here.

  2. Jeremy Hart

    You know, Former Citizen, that’s not a bad point. I would be surprised if Council made decisions without looking at the ramifications, but sometimes it DOES seem as if we’ve got a reactionary Council that reacts and responds to an impending issue, rather than one that follows a well-laid plan. There’s a real dichotomy between the academia and corporate culture except at the very highest levels of academic administration, and it seems that we try and fit public policy within the framework of academia far too often here.

  3. Former Citizen

    Town of Blacksburg council is 100% irresponsible. Nothing should get approved without real research to view implications for the future.

    In fact TOB ought to have a rule: No more than 2 professors or non-business experienced members allowed to serve at a time. If a person pulled some of the stunts they are doing in a corporate environment they would be fired, and probably sued.

  4. Former Citizen

    Town of Blacksburg council is 100% irresponsible. Nothing should get approved without real research to view implications for the future.
    In fact TOB ought to have a rule: No more than 2 professors or non-business experienced members allowed to serve at a time. If a person pulled some of the stunts they are doing in a corporate environment they would be fired, and probably sued.

  5. Philip

    I really should write a comment about Blacksburg being in decay. After, Blacksburg used to have retail (real retail, not nick knack retail). Inattention and abusive landlords drove them out f town. And changing retail shopping patterns.

    But the bottom line is Blacksburg has outsourced all the towns retail shopping and entertainment needs. The few real retail stores and entertainment facilities do not accomodate the sheer number of Blacksburg residents.

    Something to think about.

  6. Philip

    I really should write a comment about Blacksburg being in decay. After, Blacksburg used to have retail (real retail, not nick knack retail). Inattention and abusive landlords drove them out f town. And changing retail shopping patterns.
    But the bottom line is Blacksburg has outsourced all the towns retail shopping and entertainment needs. The few real retail stores and entertainment facilities do not accomodate the sheer number of Blacksburg residents.
    Something to think about.

  7. Jeremy Hart

    That’s a good point Sean – some proponents of Ordinance 1450 say that they’re not against the project as a whole, but they don’t want the big box. I can understand and respect that, but I’m not certain that the project can exist without it. Show me a location – lifestyle center, outdoor mall, whatever you want to call it – that doesn’t have one and is succeeding after year 5. My concern is that there isn’t one in an area with similar demographics.

    Our population is so transient that I don’t know if local mom and pops even have time to develop a loyal following of buyers. If the average length of time here in the area is 6 years (I’m guessing on that) then how is a mom and pop supposed to build a supporting foundation of repeat clients? They can’t … but national retailers can.

  8. Jeremy Hart

    That’s a good point Sean – some proponents of Ordinance 1450 say that they’re not against the project as a whole, but they don’t want the big box. I can understand and respect that, but I’m not certain that the project can exist without it. Show me a location – lifestyle center, outdoor mall, whatever you want to call it – that doesn’t have one and is succeeding after year 5. My concern is that there isn’t one in an area with similar demographics.
    Our population is so transient that I don’t know if local mom and pops even have time to develop a loyal following of buyers. If the average length of time here in the area is 6 years (I’m guessing on that) then how is a mom and pop supposed to build a supporting foundation of repeat clients? They can’t … but national retailers can.

  9. Sean Pecor

    Blacksburg needs more big box retail. When I lived on Mourning Dove Drive, I was always frustrated that I had to drive 20 minutes to Lowes in Christiansburg and 20 minutes back just to get materials for home improvement. Yes there was a true value but their inventory was lacking and not in sunc with the predominant demographic of the area. Heck, I’m in rural Boones Mill, Virginia and I’m closer to a Lowes/Home Depot now than I was when living in the town of Blacksburg 🙂

  10. Sean Pecor

    Blacksburg needs more big box retail. When I lived on Mourning Dove Drive, I was always frustrated that I had to drive 20 minutes to Lowes in Christiansburg and 20 minutes back just to get materials for home improvement. Yes there was a true value but their inventory was lacking and not in sunc with the predominant demographic of the area. Heck, I’m in rural Boones Mill, Virginia and I’m closer to a Lowes/Home Depot now than I was when living in the town of Blacksburg 🙂

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